Join us when we open the Union Mills Homestead Season with our annual Flower & Plant Market!
Come see our beautiful selections of your favorite regionally-grown hanging baskets, annuals, perennials, vegetables, plants, herbs, shrubs, and heirloom varieties. Specialty plant growers and vendors will join us, and Kountry Kafe Catering will feature your lunch menu favorites.
Browse the Tannery and Garden Wagons for the perfect additions to your garden. Visit the Gardener’s Corner for gently used books, pots, containers, and other garden-related bargains. Visit the booths of our specialty plant growers, craft, and garden-related vendors.
The historic house and mill will be open for tours from Noon to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday only (final tours begin at 2:30pm).
Saturday only: Kids will love the hands-on projects at the Children’s Garden Corner, hosted by the Littlestown Garden Club.