Ok, John Waters is finally coming clean, so to speak, and his all-new, secret-sharing, one-man crackpot comedy show dares to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the filthy truth.
Waters knows the truth isn’t always pretty and he doesn’t shy away from the social horrors of our present times… Yet Waters knows he’s not perfect either. He too has flaws. No matter what he preaches, he does judge others and in his show he names names and assigns blame. He… stylishly blows up prejudice, humorously overthrows theocracy, and falls off the soapbox of self-righteous sexual politics and climbs right back on with a revolutionary horniness for a woke poke. Yessiree, Waters tells you the truth. The Naked Truth. Shut up and listen.
Preferred Seating – $85
“Not a bad seat in the house” Seating (Row D-M)
Accessibility Seating – $85-$145
For wheelchair access and transfer seats with adjustable armrests, please call the Box Office directly at 410-848-7272. One companion seat is allocated per accessibility seat. All accessibility and companion seats are priced according to their location.
*Exclusive Post-Show Photo-Op: Patrons will be given the chance to take a personal photo of John Waters on stage from the floor level. Photos can be front facing or selfies. Volunteers will be available to assist taking photos on personal devices. A photographer will not be provided.