Hit the local fishing hole.



Bennett Cerf Pond (1 acre) – off MD Rt. 27 within Random House Industrial Park
Landon C. Burns/Farm Museum Pond (4.7 acres)– West of Rt. 32 near Center Street
North Carroll Community Pond (1.2 acres)– MD Rt. 30 at Manchester
Piney Run Reservoir (300 acres)– Martz Rd. off White Rock Rd. near Eldersburg
Westminster Community Pond (1.3 acres)
Liberty Reservoir
Lake Hashawha (1 acre) – John Owings Rd. (Catch & Release/Artificial lures only)

Designated trout waters are those areas selected by the state for trout stocking. These areas are designated by the State DNR to provide a limited trout fishing opportunity for the public. These areas are stocked several times during the year. During the stocking time, these areas may be closed to fishing. For specific information and stocking dates, consult the Maryland Guide to Fishing and Crabbing or click on the MD Dept. of Natural Resources link below.

Anglers are limited to five trout per day per person. In waters not noted as designated trout waters, the limit per day is two.

Beaver Run Watershed – Upstream of Rt.91
Landon C. Burns/Farm Museum Pond
Piney Run Reservoir
Taneytown Rod & Gun Pond
Piney Run – Mainstem downstream from Arrington Rd.
Patapsco River – Mainstem from Rt 32 at Sykesville downstream to its confluence with the North Branch Patapsco River.

Morgan Run

This area provides a year round trout fishing opportunity. Special regulations require all anglers to have a fishing license and trout stamp. Fishing is limited to the use of artificial lures only. The use and possession of bait is prohibited. Consult Maryland Guide to Fishing and Crabbing for definition of bait and artificial lures. All trout must be returned to the water unharmed immediately. Possession of any trout on Morgan Run is prohibited.

Project Access

Located on Morgan Run at Klees Mill Road. Established in 1996 by Trout Unlimited, Patapsco Valley Chapter in cooperation with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Provides access for mobility-impaired anglers. Piney Run Park and Westminster Community Pond also provide access for mobility-impaired anglers.


Important Note: All persons age 16 and over must have a license. For specific information, consult the Maryland Freshwater Sportfishing Guide published by the Maryland DNR Freshwater Fisheries Service, or call 410-260-8320, 1-800-688-3467, or visit the web site Consult the guide for specific information on size and creel limits of various species of fish.
