Canceled Civil War Symposium Author: Scott Shane

Carroll Communty College 1601 Washington Road, Westminster, MD, United States

For Adults. Scott Shane was a reporter for 15 years at The New York Times, where he was twice a member of teams that won Pulitzer Prizes, and before that for 21 years at The Baltimore Sun. His two previous books are Dismantling Utopia and Objective Troy. Tickets are $30.00 each and inclue a copy


Canceled Civil War Symposium

Carroll Communty College 1601 Washington Road, Westminster, MD, United States

Enjoy a day filled with engaging speakers, fascinating exhibitors and displays, thought-provoking breakout sessions, and book sales! Tickets for this event are $99.00 and include light morning refreshments and lunch. Carroll County residents DEDUCT $10.00, Maryland non-Carroll County residents DEDUCT $5.00. Keynote Address: The Struggle for Culp’s Hill at Gettysburg While often overshadowed today by
